Friday, June 4, 2010

Links & Bits for 6/4/10

Praise For Janelle Monae,But Not Enough Buzz (Jezebel)
"Janelle Monae's album is getting great reviews, though she is still relatively under the radar. Seems like it's pretty hard being an actual artist these days..."

Au Revoir Pretty Horses, Or Why I Don't Read Books Anymore (Tiger Beatdown)
"What’s a manfiction book, exactly? It is indeed, almost but not entirely exclusively, a book by a man; but it is a particular kind of book by a particular kind of man, a Real Man, a virile, manly man, who gallops around on horses in between penning great works."

"Girl," Please (Feminist Music Geek)
"...I watched Jonathan Khan’s 1998 feature Girl for the first time with my friend Erik, who loved Blake Nelson’s young adult novel of same name as a teenager. He had the great idea of doing a grunge movie night, screening this one with Singles and Bodies, Rest & Motion, though I’d also like to through in Gas Food Lodging, as I haven’t yet seen it. Apparently, Girl suffered considerably as it transitioned into another medium."

We'll miss you, Rue McClanahan (Bitch Blogs)
"Television icon (and feminist favorite) Rue McClanahan passed away this morning at the age of 76. She was best known for her role as Blanche Devereaux on the classic sitcom The Golden Girls (though I probably didn't have to tell you that). Blanche was always my very favorite of the four Golden Girls. I loved her Southern wit and charm and her unabashed sexiness (oh, and I thought her flowing pajama robes were the height of glamor)."

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