Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rock, She Writes -- Says NPR

(Via 90s Woman who made the list. Congrats!)

NPR put together a list of "10 Women Music Writers To Read Right Now:"

"Hoping to add to our bookshelves and bookmarks, we also asked the writers for reading recommendations — books, blogs, articles or Twitter feeds written by a woman and focusing on music. Check out their suggestions below, and double your chances of connecting with new music and conversation by following the recommenders too."

I've mentioned this before, but some of the best writing on music has come from blogs that don't focus primarily on music, or even pop culture in general. A lot of these blogs are penned by women in the feminist blogosphere. Bitch's B-Sides and Bitchtapes blogs are a wealth of information about women making music, especially those that have fallen through the cracks or don't pigeonhole easily.

When I first starting blogging, and then blogging for a well-known website, I had a lot of trouble trying to find other women blogging about music. Since then I've added several to my feedreader. These are just a few I check regularly:

Feminist Music Geek
Side Ponytail
Bring Back Glam
The Fembassy
Don't Dance Her Down Boys
Diary of a Bad Housewife

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