Monday, April 13, 2015


  • For those doing the "read only non-cis, non-white, non-male authors for a year" challenge (I'm guessing this is still a pretty informal challenge), I'm trying to put together a list of overlooked writers in some of those identity groups. I side-eye these kinds of things because unless you're actually promoting non-white, non-male writers (and have a large enough platform to make a difference), unless you're going outside your comfort zone, it's not doing anything outside of a lot of sanctimonious signaling. 
  • I agree with this. Totally anecdotal, but in my experience men who interrupt do it to everyone, not just to women. I have no particular insight other than, I guess, if you're a woman just keep talking and don't let them. (This has been my tactic, to varying results.) Probably won't help a member of the press, but I hate it when I see a female reporter deferring to a prickly interview subject.
  • I'm reading a book on the Duke Lacrosse rape accusations because in a lot of ways it parallels the Rolling Stone UVa story -- at least the media's reaction to it. It's hard to find something written about either that's impartial or non-partisan because even if your purport to be on no side, your side will be chosen for you. Maybe especially if you claim to take no side your side is chosen because anti-rape activists operate under a "with us or against us" ideology. I mean, they have to. But the media aren't activists, or at least, they shouldn't try to be.