Friday, January 22, 2010

Links & Bits for 1/22/10

Sapphic Salon: Lady Sovereign and other celebrities who come out, despite their publicists (Bitch)

"I understand that no one wants to be labeled by their sexuality first, the same way that some people have an aversion to their profession being prefaced by their gender, ethnicity or any other defining factor. But the problem is that some of these people aren't given the opportunity to speak for themselves, and instead communicate through third parties who are more likely to profit off keeping their clients in the closet."

When It's Good Girls vs. Bad Girls On The Charts, Who Wins? (Jezebel)

"The question is, though, which "works" for a woman in the music biz: The femme fatale or the child-like empress? Rihanna had big hits when she started out all island-sunny, holding an umbrella. She may feel more at home in her new fierce, battle-armored persona, but her new album isn't doing so great. Meanwhile, Forbes ranked Taylor Swift 2009's 69th-most powerful celebrity, earning $18 million; and Taylor has sold over 24.3 million digital tracks."

Happy Birthday, Chan Marshall: Five Reasons To Celebrate Cat Power (Paste)

"Since Cat Power sole proprietor Chan Marshall turns 38 today, we thought it was only fitting to take some time to reflect on a handful of our favorite things about the Paste-approved singer/songwriter. She's dazzled listeners for years with her intoxicatingly smooth voice, releasing nine albums during the course of her career (and she's in the early stages of working on a tenth). So here's to you, Chan

Confession of a Lover of Sexy Music in Midlife (Whose shoes are these anyway?)

"... I prefer subtlety in lyrics, and then the little devil on my shoulder said, 'Now you know that's not completely true, girl. You need to quit. You've got some songs in your collection that shonuff ain't subtle and romantic. You got some stuff you listen to that your mother would have called 'unladylike' listening.'"

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