Friday, February 5, 2010

Links & Bits for 2/5/10

Appropriation, Vacation (Chicago Reader)
Jessica Hopper reviews Vampire Weekend's new album Contra and explores class, race and "cultural tourism" in indie rock. This is an incredibly well-written piece, especially if you crave album reviews that say more than "This rocks, go but it now."

Kurt Cobain's daughter to make recorded debut (The Guardian)
Remember when Frances Bean was the dancing baby in the "Sliver" video? Now she's singing on Amanda Palmer's forthcoming album.

Patti Smith's New York Love Affair: An Excerpt From "Just Kids" (Rolling Stone)
It's pretty lengthy for an except. I'm not usually a fan of books written by songwriters (some of the best song writers are pretty shitty prose stylists), but I am a huge Patti Smith fan and am looking forward to getting my hands on this.

B-Sides: \m/\m/ (Bitch Blogs)
I'll come clean: I am a former metal fan. No genre is more maligned or so inherently masculine. I gave it up when I realized a woman's role in metal is strictly that of scantily clad groupie (and before I realized indie rock is just as much a boys' club). This proves me wrong. About the former, I mean

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