Friday, February 12, 2010

Links & Bits for 2/12/10

Q and A with Kathleen Hanna (Eau D'Bedroom Dancing via Jezebel)
Kathleen Hanna, along with a few others, was one of the first women whose music I listened to who wasn't afraid to call herself a feminist. In fact, she was one of the only ones who embraced it. (Granted, even though this was the early, idealistic 90s, I lived in a town that was far from enlightened.)

John Mayer Reveals His Authentically Racist Self (Whose Shoes Are These Anyway?)
John Mayer once again proves he is a colossal douchebag.

Sooner Or Later One Of Us Must Know: In Defense of Bob Dylan (Tiger Beatdown)
Admittedly, I am not a Dylan fan. I have tried to embrace his music. I actually like other people (Nico, Marianne Faithfull, et al.) singing his songs, but his voice always sounded too insincere to me. (Not to mention adenoidal and grating, but whatever. It's iconic and unique!) Oh, and this: "Dylan is, among other things, a gigantic douche on occasion; very specifically, he would seem to be a misogynist of the old school, a member of the Grand Old Boner Party, the sort of man who can only deal with women – at least rhetorically – if they are childlike and precious, or strangely exotic objects on which he looks with fear, admiration, and deep distrust," which is exactly why I'm in love with Sady's essay. See, it is possible to be a fan and a critic.

White Washed: Black Women in Rock (Bitch Blogs)
Annalee Schafranek showcases black women in rock from Grace Jones to Solange Knowles.

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