Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Annie Lennox and the Observer Ask "What Does Feminism Mean Today?"

(Via the Guardian)

Annie Lennox, along with fellow performers, VV Brown and Beverley Knight, director of UK clothing brand Whistles, Jane Shepherdson, journalist Katharine Whitehorn, and author Monica Ali were part of a recent discussion (chaired by Lennox) on what equality means to them and what the future holds for feminism. I love that musicians, usually so reticent to call themselves feminists, are talking about equality in and outside the music industry, The best quote of the night (as seem on bibliofeminista's tumblr) goes to singer Beverley Knight:
But when you speak up about it you're the one who is labelled as combative, aggressive, because feminism is seen as some kind of putting on of a man's angry cloak. You're either laughed at or you're some woman with big bovver boots and a shaved head trying to be like a guy. That's the response you get. Feminism is neither of those two things. It's about women caring about other women, giving a voice to those who have no other voice.
This is incredibly important, and one of the primary reasons women are less likely to call themselves feminists, but there's also a number of women turning away from mainstream feminism because it's done a poor job historically of addressing their needs. There's also a real need within feminism to disagree with each other, and call out each other's and the movement's failures without being labeled as combative and aggressive.

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