Sunday, June 19, 2011

Are there any over-forty feminist bloggers?

I guess the short answer would be yes, but given that the face of online feminism is often a young one, it's become increasingly harder to find older bloggers.

As I edge closer to my forties, I feel as though I'm "aging out" of the feminist blogosphere. There's a lot of talk about ageism, but often it means ageism toward younger women who feel they aren't taken seriously, which is a very real thing, but toward older women, there's an undercurrent of "Okay, you already had your turn." I very well known when and where to take my "turn," thank you very much.

So I'm asking a very real, non-hypothetical question: where are the older feminist bloggers?


  1. One of them is here:

  2. I'm right here (age 41), getting wiser and stronger every day:

    And here's an amazing blog by a good friend and mentor of mine:

  3. Here:

    And it's just about the first time I've thought of myself as an over-forty blogger, feminist or otherwise. Ageism in the culture? Absolutely. Out here? I'd like to think it happens less.
