Friday, June 17, 2011

Links & Bits for 6/17/11

Safe Spaces and Intersectionality (Womanist Musings)
I think what bothers me the most, is that in the act of calling out privilege, far too many forget that they still exist with privilege. If someone is marginalized, they are oppressed, and they should not have to justify this by producing a pound of flesh, as evidence of the way that they have been harmed, when we know that homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, disableism, ageism etc., (yes there are more) are institutionalized.
The infinite variety of individuals (Delightfully Tacky)
I want girls (well, all people really, but I feel like most of y'all are sporting two X chromosomes) to feel like they can be contradictory. You can wear feminine dresses and drive a '73 winnebago across the country alone. You can love etsy shops and cupcakes and be a med student in the middle of her residency. You can be a style blogger, run a successful local business, and be a published author. You can graduate at the top of your class with a double major and like baking too.
The Price of Noncompliance (Questioning Transphobia)
As one can imagine in our cis-centric society, the family has received an enormous amount of criticism and little praise for their parenting choices. They have been accused of making their baby in to a “social experiment”, of “borderline child abuse”, and “being amoral hippies” in commentary from a multitude of sources. This fire storm of controversy and personal accusation have all come in the name of the “the good of the baby”.

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