Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Break It Down: Ballad of Bitter Honey

Eef Barzelay's "Ballad of Bitter Honey," a bittersweet song about a dancer in hip-hip videos, isn't particularly well-known, but raises a few needed questions about race and narrative.

First off, I like this song. Its subject isn't one that's exactly heard from in pop (even quirky indie pop) music; however, hearing to a white man narrating the experience of a (presumably) WOC, and one decidedly less privileged than he is, makes me uncomfortable.

This dovetails nicely with the Fugazi post I wrote about a week ago, because as a music fan, I abhor censorship in any form, but as a feminist, I don't think everything should be there for the taking, especially the experiences of marginalized groups.

I tried in vain to find this song's backstory, so I have no idea if there's a real person behind the lyrics. Despite the nuance -- and I do think it's lyrically well-written -- it begs the question, "When is it appropriation, and when is it just a good story to tell?"

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