Thursday, May 3, 2012

Identity and Ethnicity

Discussions like this one  make me extremely uncomfortable, as I grew up with a strong oral tradition of having Metis ancestry (I'm part acadian) which I was later able to prove by paper trail, and have written  about at some length before.

Still, I don't feel like this is really my post to write -- culturally, I've never been anything but white, and I'm generally seen as white even if my DNA says otherwise --  so I'll keep it pretty short. What bothers me is that some of the commenters seem to be confusing acknowledging non-white ancestry with claiming it as a way to gain something, or deny that one still light-skinned privilege. I don't know much about Elizabeth Warren's background, or her distant Native American ancestry, but it doesn't seem like she did anything but possibly acknowledge it. Also, the "X doesn't look X enough, therefore she can't be" trope needs to go away.

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