Monday, January 14, 2013

Mika Calls out Morning Joe's Chauvinism

Watching Joe Scarborough, host of Morning Joe on MSNBC, is like watching a classroom experiment in misogyny 101. It's well-known that Joe often talks over his female guests while letting the men dominate any and all discussion, be it game-winning touchdowns or reproductive rights. He's rarely called on it in any public sort of way until last Thursday when co-host, Mika Brzezinski did just that:
Brzezinski was defending Obama from complaints that his Cabinet is too male. Scarborough was responding to her comments with snide jokes, including one about the Lily Ledbetter Act. Brzezinski told Scarborough that he was “being chauvinistic right now,” and Scarborough responded with outrage. Soon he was — for real — snapping his fingers to get her to shut up and listen to him berate her.
“Knowing me and seeing me work around here for five years, you want to call me a chauvinist on television?” Scarborough asked Brzezinski. The answer to that question, as anyone who’s watched Scarborough and Brzezinski work together on television for five years could tell you, is an unequivocal “yes.” One of the running jokes on “Morning Joe” is that “Morning Joe” constantly talks over and generally disrespects his co-host, who also happens to make half his salary. 
Eventually, Brzezinski apologized for being mean to poor Joe. (Salon) 
To be clear, Mika is no folk hero. Her own behavior is often problematic, especially her predilection for subtle fat-shaming, but good for her. I really wish she hadn't apologized, though.

(Watch the whole thing here .)

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