Thursday, May 30, 2013

Not all that long ago

I hate the question, "if you could go back and live in any past time, when and why?" I like things like antibiotics, indoor plumbing, the right to vote, so I think I'll stay put in 2013, thankyouverymuch. When I was in, I think, third grade, our class was given this as an assignment. I forgot I was in Catholic school, which meant the correct answer was "Jesus' time!" and instead said the sixties because I wanted to be a hippy. (Wha?)

Anyway, I'm going to retract that now after reading Ms. Magazine's Ten Things American Women Could Not Do Before the 1970s.
1. Keep her job if she was pregnant. 
Until the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978, women could be fired from their workplace for being pregnant.
My mom has actually told me stories about going for job interviews in her twenties and having the male interviewer ask if she was pregnant, or planned on getting pregnant.

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