Sunday, September 1, 2013

New additions to the blogroll

I added a couple new (new to me anyway) sites to the blogroll: F Yeah MTFs of Color , and F Yeah FTM of Color, which I found courtesy of Trans* Tumblr Dictionary (linked in this post  in Jezebel's Groupthink, which you should also read). Trans" Tumblr Dictionary hasn't been updated in a while, but it's still a great site for finding blogs written by trans* people, particularly trans* people of color. (I know a number of trans* people don't like the terms MTF and FTM, and I debated whether to include these simply because of the name, but they're both good sites, and it's not my place to police the language trans* people use to describe themselves.) I also added Zinnia Jones , who blogs about atheism, feminism, and trans* issues for Freethought Blogs. I'm a longtime reader of hers and should have added her to my blogroll long ago.