Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rock, she blogs

Two years ago at my former blogging gig I asked, "Where are all the female music bloggers?" I'm still waiting for that answer.

I always assumed I wasn't looking hard enough. Women are music fans, so certainly some of them are writing about their obsession. Look at my sidebar links. Over the past couple years, those are the only music blogs I've found that are penned by women.  This list , courtesy of Bon Ton , is far more comprehensive, but also three years old. A lot of those sites have ceased to exist. (Thus is the transient nature of blogging. You could probably compile a list of sites from any genre, and in three or four years most of them would be kaput.)

What I usually see are women writing as part of a larger clique of bloggers, or women with personal blogs who periodically write about music. (Sweetney , for example.) Is it that it's far easier to garner attention in the big ol' blog world with a diary-type blog than a music-only one, even if that's where your passion is? I thought so, so for the past four years, I've written some sort of journal. Except I suck at journaling. Royally. I keep coming back to this. (I like to tell everyone I have no other marketable skills save for dumping the contents of my brain every so often.) I hope that's the reason and not that masses of female music fans are doubting their abilities. Or that women simply lack the geek-out gene. There are a couple well-respected pop culture pundits whom I'd like to prove wrong.

So, if you're a woman who love music, why aren't you writing about it?

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