Former Planned Parenthood president and CEO, Gloria Feldt, gives a lot of solid, practical advice on how women can harness their collective power and further achieve parity with men in her new book, No Excuses, but while I wanted to raise my fist in the air with her, something was lacking. Women need roles models, for sure. Encouragement, definitely, but the "go ahead and get what's yours" tenor of the book rings false in several ways. One, it plays into one of feminism's oldest tropes that all women are equal to each other, or have access to the same resources. That simply isn't true.
However, I do like the inclusion of the work of younger feminists. With the ever widening rift between older and younger feminists, it's nice to see a wide age range showcased, but there's still plenty of room for intersectionality. The "up by her bootlaces" vibe leaves a lot of women behind, and I'd rather more than a soundbite be given to the problems WOC, poor women of any color, queer and trans women, and anyone else left out of traditional feminism.
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