Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So I finally read Lean In...

And I was a little disappointed.

That doesn't mean that I found nothing of value. Even if you're not a CEO (or don't plan on being one) there's still a lot to lean from Lean In, but its "feminism lite" tenor was a little discouraging. I don't to write a 2000-screed on how a book written from one woman's an ultra-privileged perspective excludes plenty of women -- even though it's true -- because the problem isn't that Sheryl Sandberg wrote a book, it's the hers is the voice that gets heard, and that's probably not going to change anytime soon.

She talks a lot about mentoring, which good, and what it actually means to be a mentor, which is even better (a mentor is not a therapist). And while I absolutely see the value in supporting other women, a little intersectionality could have gone a long way.

I also feel, I don't know.. cheated? Sandberg's version of feminism is far too simplistic and targets only certain women. I don't think this is a terrible thing, but I'm not her audience.

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