Saturday, July 13, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo Update Two

Things are going pretty smoothly. I'm on schedule, or just a little ahead of schedule. 3000 words a day is my upper limit, though. Anything more that that is word vomit.

I don't have a plot, per se. The only thing pushing me to the finish line is a vague sense of theme or motif (and moving these characters' lives throughout the decade). At the risk of sounding like a complete douchebag, most of the fiction I write is about identity, or how different identities intersect. I read mostly lit fic, so that's what I write, or at least, what I attempt to write. Literary fiction has become shorthand for "I'm a giant asshole, and I think your taste sucks," and that's unfortunate because books do hold greater weight than others (and not just in the Infinite Jest sense).

As far as the mechanic of writing goes, everything first draft I've ever written has been completely retooled so that future drafts barely resemble it. This is what I tell myself when what I'm writing sucks hard.


  1. Keep going. I'm behind, myself. Been a rough week on many fronts and I'm pleased to have broken 10,000 words.

    1. I'm ahead, but I'm letting it be shitty. It's not even that what I've written so far is terrible, just terribly boring and scattered. (Having four MCs might not have been the greatest idea.)
