Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Musings

* I feel like I should be writing some sort of "get out and vote" missive, but I'm sure most of you US residents are voting today, or already have. I'm so envious of those of you who live in states that allow early voting. I live in a red state -- albeit in a blue dot in a red state -- and in an urban area where the polling place was changed before the August election, and that caused some confusion, no doubt. (Although, this  shouldn't be happening, not anywhere and not in 2012.)

* I still have my crappy cell phone picture from the 2008 presidential election:

* My neighbors actually have a Todd Aiken sign on their front lawn. I'm too embarrassed for them to feel any rage.

* Persephone magazine has a handy guide to some statewide issues that got a little lost in the shuffle this election season. Check it out.

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