Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reread: Lost in the Grooves: Scram's Capricious Guide to the Music You Missed

Editors Kim Cooper and David Smay can be proud of this collection  of essays on the obscure, unheralded, and just plain unheard music. Rather than reeking of rockist snobbery,  a lot of the choices here just leave you scratching your head (Aaron Carter? Really?), but that's what makes it such an enjoyable read. Anyone can cobble together a list of critic's favorites, but how many people cop to their love of old Muppets records, Kylie Minogue, The Dictators, or Swamp Dogg?

I can't really say I was inspired to pick up any of the music mentioned (scarily enough, I owed more than a few of those records), but as someone who's admittedly spent a good chunk of her life trolling used record stores or dingy old thrifts, I get it. And not to sound like an old fogey, though I guess I have no choice by now, though all but the criminally obscure is available for downloading, nothing can replace the feeling of digging through dusty record bins

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